Is this thing working? Check one, check two... OK well, here we go.
Blogging. I'm not really into it. I can't even get myself to journal... ever. But trying something new, that's something that I can get into. All the while I'm writing this I'm thinking, "What the hell am I even talking about?" But isn't that what blogging is? Ranting about nothing in particular and hoping that your nothing becomes someone else's something?
I truthfully don't have a lot of time for this, nor am I one to opt for counter-productive extra curricular activities, but I am really kind of curious to see what kind of craziness might pour out of my head if I just keep it up. I am not going to put up any type of deadline, or goal, or judgement upon myself for anything written here... I have to deal with those every single day of my life. No, this experience will be leisurely, and ridiculous, and thoughtful, and plain stupid at times... just like me.
You are creative, interesting and unique. Your blogg will be just that- you and that is enough. Enjoy the experience and i applaud you every step of the way
PS - Love the artwork and Microphone check- too cool- BUT you are not a Hollywood nobody!
Thanks Wendy! You are always willing to share a kind word! Hopefully I can keep this up :)
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