Thursday, July 8, 2010


Boy... what a workout! What a way to kick-start the morning!

For those of you who don't know I am doing a 2 month infomercial for the 'Total Flex' workout machine. What that entails: Mon-Fri class workouts in Hollywood with personal trainer (to the stars!) Steve Maresca from 6:15am-7:15am. (at the butt crack of dawn!) Not only do we workout in the morning, but we are given 'homework' for the rest of the day and the weekends, getting to the gym for another hour of cardio and some type of lifting, sprints, etc. That's not all! All the while we all follow a strict nutritional diet high in protein, low in fat. At the end of every week we weigh in and take measurements. Today marks the tail end of our 5TH WEEK! YES!!!

This whole process has changed (and is still changing!) my life in a big big way. Yes, I cannot believe how my way of thinking, my overall view of my life choices, and the way I feel about myself and what I can achieve has transformed. At the beginning of this thing, it's hard to explain, but I felt like it was something I had just signed up for... something I had challenged myself to do. Of course I was excited, and I know I needed it, (to be fit) but I didn't realize then just how huge this opportunity was... and how It would not only reshape my body, but my entire being.

Now, the workouts are done class style. I have been spending every morning for over a month with these other individuals just like me. People who 'had a few pounds to lose'. Every day we show up, sweat, push ourselves and encourage eachother. Over time, we have become eachother's support and inspiration! Every morning I see how hard my friends around me are working, I hear how they have overcome the obstacles of daily life to make sure that they fit the 'homework' into their busy schedule, I hear how they went out with friends and opted for the salad when everyone else at their table was having burgers and fries, I hear how they made some bad choices but turned it around and got back on the wagon... HOW AMAZING!  WHAT MOTIVATION! It is impossible to be in this situation and not have it effect you straight to the core. It is THEM who inspire me to be the best I can be, and that is pretty exceptional!

Today I had a breakthrough... It was a remarkably tough workout. I was pouring sweat, out of breath, dizzy, and my body was screaming to stop. We were doing two sets of jumping jacks, step-ups, squats and step-up lunges at 25 repetitions ea. with 3 flights of stairs as a chaser. As I was just beginning my step-up lunges I realized that most everyone had already completely finished, and I was struggling... really struggling. I was gasping for air, my body was starting to go numb, my muscles were burning and I really really wanted to give up. This was the moment that the most amazing thing happened... The class started to cheer me on. (Even now just writing this my eyes are filling with tears) "Go Vanessa! You can do it! Keep going!" One of my classmates seeing that I had lost my ability to even keep my balance on the step-ups came around and held my hands. I was so touched, it hit me like a brick. I became filled with emotion and started to cry, all the while picking up the pace and pushing my legs to keep going, keep moving, don't stop, finish strong! When I finished I collapsed on the machine to cheers and hugs and a triumphant bottle of water poured over my head.

I realized that this experience is so much more than just me... its everyone. It's not all about our personal victories but the victories of the whole! There is a quote that has never rung so true to me until this moment: 

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”

My classmates had pushed themselves to the brink to finish, and in turn, filled me with the strength and motivation to do the same. I will never forget how I felt this morning. I will keep the memory with me forever and play it in my mind whenever I feel like giving up. This class has given me one of the greatest gifts and life lessons of all time. For that I will be forever thankful!!!

While walking to the car, the man who had held my hands reminded me that I still had 3 flights of stairs left to totally complete the workout. I was so energized and said, I'm gonna do this! As everyone else was driving away I had the last little victory to myself. TRIUMPH! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of You and never doubted that you would overcome any obstacle in your way. You look great- but the glow that you have is even more impressive. You are doing... not sitting and wanting... you are doing every day and that is the win. So there you have it- goals achieved and new insights revealed all because you wanted to do- That's the Vanessa i met and know,